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+977-9808563601 salitrekking@gmail.com Reg. No.:71796/066/067


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Chitwan Jungle Safari: Exploring Nepal’s Wildlife Wonderland

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9 Days
Availability : EveryDay
Min Age : Its just a number
Max People : No Limit

Chitwan Jungle Safari: Exploring Nepal’s Wildlife Wonderland


Chitwan jungle safari offers an exhilarating opportunity to explore one of Nepal’s most renowned wildlife sanctuaries. Your adventure might begin with an early morning excursion, setting out on a thrilling jeep safari or a serene canoe ride along the Rapti River, where you can spot diverse wildlife such as rhinoceros, deer, crocodiles, and myriad bird species.

Alternatively, you could embark on a guided nature walk through the lush jungle trails, accompanied by experienced naturalists who will share insights into the park’s flora and fauna. Keep your camera ready to capture sightings of elusive Bengal tigers and sloth bears if you’re lucky. In the afternoon, you might enjoy a visit to a local Tharu village, where you can immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous Tharu community, learning about their traditional lifestyle, music, and dance.

As the day draws to a close, unwind with a spectacular sunset over the tranquil landscape, followed by a traditional Tharu cultural performance and a delicious Nepali dinner under the stars. A Chitwan jungle safari promises unforgettable encounters with nature and wildlife, offering a unique blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion in the heart of the Nepalese wilderness.

Chitwan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most bio-diverse areas in Asia. Spanning over 900 square kilometers of lush tropical forest, grasslands, and marshes, it serves as a sanctuary for a staggering array of flora and fauna. From the majestic Bengal tiger and elusive one-horned rhinoceros to playful elephants, sloth bears, and countless species of birds, the park teems with life at every corner.

The Safari Experience

The Chitwan jungle safari offers various ways to explore this natural wonderland. One of the most popular options is the guided jeep safari, where visitors traverse the park’s network of rugged trails, keeping a keen eye out for wildlife sightings. Alternatively, you can opt for a tranquil canoe ride along the Rapti River, observing crocodiles basking in the sun and exotic birds flitting overhead. For a more immersive experience, guided nature walks provide an opportunity to venture deep into the jungle on foot, accompanied by knowledgeable local guides who unveil the secrets of the wilderness.

Cultural Encounters

Beyond its rich biodiversity, Chitwan National Park is also home to Indigenous Tharu communities whose vibrant culture and traditions have thrived in harmony with nature for generations. Many safari packages include visits to Tharu villages, offering a glimpse into their way of life through traditional dance performances, handicraft demonstrations, and interactions with friendly locals. These cultural encounters add depth to the safari experience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of humans and their natural environment.

Conservation Efforts

Chitwan National Park stands as a beacon of conservation success, with concerted efforts aimed at protecting its precious ecosystems and endangered species. Conservation initiatives, such as anti-poaching patrols and community-based conservation programs, have helped restore populations of threatened wildlife and safeguard the park’s ecological integrity. Visitors to Chitwan have the opportunity to contribute to these efforts through eco-friendly tourism practices and supporting local conservation initiatives.


A Chitwan jungle safari is more than just a wildlife excursion; it’s a transformative journey that connects you to the pulse of nature and leaves an indelible imprint on your soul. Whether you’re marveling at the sight of a rhinoceros grazing in the grasslands, drifting down the river as the sun sets behind the forest canopy, or sharing laughter and stories with the Tharu people, every moment in Chitwan is an adventure waiting to unfold. So, pack your sense of wonder and embark on a safari of a lifetime in the enchanting wilderness of Chitwan National Park.

Departure & Return Location




Price Includes

  • Air or Ground Transportation
  • Accommodation and all meals
  • Guides: Experienced English-speaking tour guide.
  • National park permits and all the fees for jungle activities

Price Excludes

  • International Airfare: Flights to and from Nepal.
  • Nepal Visa
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal expenses, Such as Lunch and dinner, drinks,, tips, and personal shopping.
This itinerary provides a comprehensive tour of some of Nepal's most iconic destinations, offering a blend of cultural immersion, natural beauty, and wildlife experiences. Adjustments can be made based on your preferences, interests, and available time.

Day 1Kathmandu to Chitwan by drive or flight

  • Drive or Fly to Chitwan National Park, one of Nepal’s most renowned wildlife reserves.
  • Upon arrival, check into your jungle lodge or resort.
  • Enjoy a welcome drink and briefing about the activities planned for your stay.
  • In the evening, experience a cultural performance featuring traditional Tharu dance.
  • Dinner and overnight stay in Chitwan.

Day 2Chitwan Jungle Activities

  • Embark on a full day of jungle activities, including a thrilling jungle walk or jeep safari in Chitwan National Park, where you can spot wildlife such as rhinoceros, deer, monkeys, and various bird species.
  • Enjoy a canoe ride along the Rapti River, observing crocodiles and aquatic birds.
  • Visit the nearby Tharu village to learn about the indigenous culture and lifestyle of the local community.
  • Return to your lodge for dinner and relaxation.
  • Overnight stay in Chitwan.

Day 3Drive or fly back to Kathmandu

  • After breakfast, depart Chitwan and Fly or  drive Back to Kathmandu
  • Free and easy in Kathmandu
  • Overnight at Hotel
Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or want to customize the your plan.

What is Chitwan Jungle Safari?

Chitwan Jungle Safari is a popular activity in Chitwan National Park, located in the Terai region of Nepal. It offers visitors the opportunity to explore the rich biodiversity of the jungle, including sightings of rare wildlife such as Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinoceroses, and Asian elephants.

What activities are included in a Chitwan Jungle Safari?

Typical activities include jungle walks, jeep safaris, canoe rides along the Rapti River, and birdwatching tours. Visitors can also enjoy cultural experiences such as traditional Tharu dance performances and visits to local Tharu villages.

When is the best time to go on a Chitwan Jungle Safari?

The best time to visit Chitwan National Park for a jungle safari is during the dry season, which runs from October to March. During this time, wildlife sightings are more frequent, and the weather is generally pleasant.

What should I pack for a Chitwan Jungle Safari?

Essential items to pack include lightweight and breathable clothing, sturdy walking shoes or boots, insect repellent, sunscreen, a hat, binoculars for wildlife viewing, a camera, and any necessary medications. It’s also advisable to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

Is it safe to go on a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park?

Yes, Chitwan National Park is well-managed, and safari activities are conducted under the supervision of experienced guides and park rangers. However, it’s essential to follow safety instructions and guidelines provided by your tour operator or guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

How long does a Chitwan Jungle Safari typically last?

The duration of a Chitwan Jungle Safari can vary depending on the package chosen. It could range from a half-day excursion to multiple days spent exploring the park. Most visitors opt for a two to three-day safari to fully experience all that Chitwan National Park has to offer.

What kind of food can I expect?

You can enjoy a variety of cuisines, including traditional Nepali dishes, Newari cuisine, and international options. Don’t miss trying local favorites like momo (dumplings) and dal bhat (rice with lentil soup).

What is the local currency and are ATMs available?

The local currency is the Nepalese Rupee (NPR). ATMs are widely available in both Kathmandu and Chitwan.

Do I need travel insurance?

A: Yes, it’s highly recommended to have travel insurance that covers health, accidents, and trip cancellations, especially if you plan on participating in adventure activities like trekking and safaris.