+977-9808563601 salitrekking@gmail.com Reg. No.:71796/066/067


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+977-9808563601 salitrekking@gmail.com Reg. No.:71796/066/067


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40 Results Found

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Tiger Nest
Best Seller

Alluring Bhutan Tour in 5 Days- The Land of the Thunder Dragon

4 Nights 5 Days
Availability : 365 Days
Bhutan, a kingdom unlike any other, is nestled in the majestic Himalayas. Often referred […]
Manasarovar And Kailash Yatra
Best Seller

The Spiritual Journey: Manasarovar And Kailash Yatra

10Days 09 Nights
Availability : April to October
Embarking on the Manasarovar and Kailash Yatra is a deeply spiritual and physically challenging […]
(1 Review)
Khopra Dada trek
Less Crowded

Khopra Dada Trek: Exploring the Serene Himalayan Wilderness

11 Days 10 Nights
Availability : 365 Days
The Khopra Dada trek offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and […]
Hidden Lake Trek
Expedition into the unexplored

Hidden Lake Trek – Discovering Hidden Gem In The Annapurna Region

9 Days 8 Nights
Availability : 365 Days
The Hidden Lake Trek is not just another hiking route; it’s an expedition into […]
(3 Reviews)
chitwan jungle safari

Chitwan Jungle Safari: Exploring Nepal’s Wildlife Wonderland

9 Days
Availability : EveryDay
Chitwan jungle safari offers an exhilarating opportunity to explore one of Nepal's most renowned […]
island peak climb
Special Offer

Conquering Island Peak: A Journey to the Summit

14 Nights 15 Days
Availability : Everyday Departure
Island Peak, also known as Imja Tse, is one of the most popular trekking […]
makalu base camp
Less Explored

Makalu Base Camp Trek – Unveiling Majesty in 2 weeks

16 Nights 17 Days
Availability : 365 Days
The Makalu Base Camp Trek is a peaceful journey through one of Nepal's most […]
(20 Reviews)
Everest base camp by drive
Best Seller

Kathmandu to Lhasa to Everest Base Camp by drive: An Epic Overland Adventure

14 Days 13 Nights
Availability : April to October
The Everest Base Camp trek is a well-known trekking in Nepal through the breathtaking […]
(1 Review)
paragliding in nepal
15% Off

Zip Lining in Nepal: Experience the Thrill In Pokhara

2 hours Round Trip
Availability : Every Day
Experience of the zip lining in Nepal stands out as a must-do activity for […]
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