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Pikey Peak Trek – 9 Days Spectacular & Panoramic Trek In Nepal

(20 Reviews)
  • 9 Days 8 Nights
  • Max People : 20
  • Wifi Available
  • Every day departure
  • Age : Its just a Number
  • Pickup: Airpot

Pikey Peak trek details:

The Pikey Peak trek, which lies in the Solu-Khumbu region of Nepal, offers an off-the-beaten-path experience with stunning panoramic views of the world’s 7 highest peaks including Everest. This trek, although less frequented compared to other popular routes like Everest Base Camp, presents a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural immersion. The trail winds through lush forests, terraced fields, and charming Sherpa villages, providing trekkers with an authentic Himalayan experience.

Pikey Peak trek begins with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Dhap Bazaar, the trek takes you through picturesque villages, and lush forests,  As you ascend towards Pikey Peak, which stands at an altitude of 4,065 meters (13,333 feet), you’ll be treated to breathtaking vistas of iconic mountains including Mount Everest, Makalu, Kanchenjunga, and many others. The trek is relatively moderate in terms of difficulty, making it suitable for trekkers of various skill levels, and offers a chance to engage you in the rich Sherpa culture.

One of the highlights of the Pikey Peak trek is the opportunity to witness stunning sunrise and sunset views over the Himalayas, casting a golden hue upon the snow-capped peaks. The route also includes visits to ancient Buddhist monasteries and Stupas, adding a spiritual dimension to the journey. Pikey Peak treks give you an unforgettable experience, allowing you to appreciate the tranquility and majesty of the Himalayan landscape fully.

With its combination of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and relatively gentle terrain, the Pikey Peak trek offers a memorable adventure for those seeking a less crowded alternative to more popular treks in the Lower Everest region. Along the trail, trekkers have the chance to interact with the local Sherpa community and immerse themselves in their rich culture and traditions. Sherpa villages offer insights into the Sherpa way of life, with opportunities to visit monasteries, interact with locals, and learn about their customs. The warmth and hospitality of the Sherpa people add a special charm to the trek, making it a memorable cultural experience.

Despite its remote location, the Pikey Peak Trek is relatively moderate in difficulty, making it accessible to trekkers of various skill levels. The well-defined trails and gradual ascents allow for a comfortable trekking experience, while still offering a sense of adventure and exploration. With its stunning vistas, cultural encounters, and manageable terrain, the Pikey Peak Trek is an ideal choice for trekkers seeking a less crowded yet equally rewarding trekking adventure in the Himalayas.

Departure & Return Location


Price Includes

  • Airport Pick up and drop off
  • Twin sharing accommodation In the city
  • Sharing accommodation in the mountain
  • An English speaking guide and porters
  • All Transportation as mentioned in itinerary
  • Trekking Permits, Sleeping Bag, Duffle bag
  • 1 main course meals 3 times a day while on trekking and climbing with a cup of tea or coffee

Price Excludes

  • Flights To/From Nepal, Tourist Visa, and Travel insurance
  • Meals in the Cities
  • Personal expenses: Boiled and bottled water, hot shower, battery charging, Wi-Fi, snacks, drinks etc.
  • Any extra costs due to unforeseen circumstances
  • Any extra costs due to unforeseen circumstances


  • A comprehensive medical kit
  • Company T-Shirt
  • Certificate of Achievement and Medal
What to Expect

Pikey Peak trek, everyone can enjoy a beautiful journey through diverse landscapes, promises unforgettable vistas, and cultural richness. Despite its remote location, the Pikey Peak Trek is relatively moderate in difficulty, making it accessible to trekkers of various skill levels. 

  • Scenic but long drive: The journey typically begins with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to the trek's starting point, which might take 10 hours, offering glimpses of rural Nepalese life and stunning landscapes along the way.
  • Diverse Landscapes: Expect to traverse through a variety of landscapes, including lush forests, terraced fields, rhododendron forests, and alpine meadows, each with its unique charm and beauty.
  • Panoramic Views: As you ascend towards Pikey Peak (4,065 meters), anticipate breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayan range, including iconic 8000 meters peaks like Mount Everest, Makalu, Kanchenjunga, Lohtse, Annapurna, Manaslu and Dhaulagiri.
  • Accommodation Options: Accommodation along the route typically includes basic teahouses offer simple amenities, where they proviode delicous food for the trekkers.
  • Sunrise/Sunset Views: One of the highlights of the trek is witnessing stunning sunrise and sunset views over the Himalayas, offering unforgettable moments of natural beauty and tranquility.
  • Altitude Considerations: The trek involves gradual altitude gain, so it's crucial to acclimatize properly to minimize the risk of altitude sickness. Trekkers should pace themselves and be mindful of any symptoms.
This Trek itinerary covers a total distance of approximately 50 kilometers and offers a blend of cultural exploration, serene landscapes, and stunning views of the Himalayas, including the iconic Mount Everest. Trekking through picturesque villages, dense forests, and lush farmlands, you'll experience the unique culture and hospitality of the Sherpa people while enjoying the tranquility of the remote Himalayan region. And there are few different routes you can take on this trek. Let’s talk about it more and we help you customize the itinerary as you want.

Day 1Kathmandu arrival (1350m)

  • Arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu.
  • Transfer to your hotel and rest after your journey.
  • Explore the vibrant streets of Thamel and enjoy traditional Nepali cuisine.

Day 2Kathmandu to Dhap (2,850m)

  • Drive from Kathmandu to Dhap, a small village in the Solu region.
  • Enjoy the scenic journey through rural landscapes, passing terraced fields and traditional Nepalese villages.
  • Overnight stay in Dhap, immersing yourself in the tranquility of the countryside.
  • Driving time: Approximately 8-10 hours

Day 3Dhap to Jhapre (2,9810m)

Trek from Dhap to Jhapre, a charming Sherpa village situated at the foot of Pikey Peak.

Along the trail, marvel at the lush forests, terraced fields, and stunning mountain views.

Arrive in Jhapre and spend the evening exploring the village and interacting with the locals.

Overnight stay in Jhapre, experiencing the warm hospitality of the Sherpa community.

Trekking distance: Approximately 9km, Walking hours: 4-5 hours

Day 4Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp (3,640m)

  • Trek from Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp, gradually ascending towards the majestic Pikey Peak.
  • Enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayan peaks, including Everest, Makalu, Lhotse, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri Annapurna, and Manaslu.
  • Reach Pikey Base Camp and savor the serene atmosphere surrounded by towering mountains.
  • Overnight stay at Pikey Base Camp, witnessing the sunset painting the peaks with hues of gold and pink.
  • Trekking distance: Approximately 9km, Walking hours: 5-6 hours

Day 5Pikey Base Camp to summit 4067m

  • Wake up early to witness the sunrise over the Himalayas from Pikey Peak, one of the most spectacular vistas in Nepal.
  • Enjoy the free and easy day and wander around.
  • Hike to Pikley Peak Summit again in the evening for a sunset view.
  • Overnight stay in Pikey base camp.

Day 6Pikey Base Camp to Jhapree

  • Retracing your steps down to Jahpre for overnight.

Day 7Jhapre to Dhap

  • Retracing your steps down to Dhap for overnight.

Day 8Dhap to Kathmandu

  • Drive back to Kathmandu, Enjoy the scenic drive through the mountains.
  • Transfer to your hotel in Kathmandu, concluding your memorable Pikey Peak trek.

Day 9Departure

  • Departure from Kathmandu or extend your stay in Nepal.
  • Transfer to Tribhuvan International Airport for your onward journey or flight back home.
  • Or Extend your stay in Nepal

Pikey peak trek


How Difficult Is The Pikey peak Trek?

 Pikey Peak Trek is considered a moderate to difficult trek, It involves walking for several hours every day over varied terrain and at high altitudes. While no technical climbing is required, trekkers should be prepared for steep ascents, rocky trails, and changes in weather conditions.

What Is the Best Time of the Year for Pikey Peak Trek?

The best time for Pikey Peak Trek is during the pre-monsoon (spring) season from March to May and the post-monsoon (autumn) season from September to December. These periods offer stable weather, clear skies, and favorable trekking conditions.

Do I Need To Be Physically Fit for Pikey peak Trek

 While an average level of fitness is recommended for the Pikey Peak Trek, trekkers of varying fitness levels can undertake the Pikey Peak Trek. Some training and hiking preparation is advisable to ensure physical fitness for the demands of the trek.

How Do I Prepare for Altitude Sickness during the Pikey peak Trek?

As Pikey peak Trek goes above 3000m, there is a chance to get altitude sickness issues in Nepal. So, Trekkers should ascend gradually, stay hydrated, and recognize the symptoms of altitude sickness. Be honest and don’t lie to yourself if symptoms get worse better back down to lower elevation

What Kind Of Food and Accommodation Is Available during the Pikey peak Trek?

Accommodation along the trek route ranges from basic tea houses to more comfortable lodges with amenities such as hot showers and WiFi, especially in the lower elevations, but higher up, accommodation is more basic. Most of the trekkers find delicious food along the trail, with different meal options.  As the Pikey Peak Trek is more commercial now, food and accommodation facilities are getting better day by day to serve their guest in the mountains.

Can I go to Pikey peak Trek without a Guide or Porter?

While it’s possible to go on Pikey Peak Trek independently, many trekkers opt to hire a guide or porter for added support, safety, and convenience. Guides can provide valuable insights and assistance, while porters can help carry trekking gear and luggage, reducing physical strain.

What Should I Pack for the Pikey peak Trek?

For Pikey Peak Trek essential items to pack include sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, a good-quality sleeping bag, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a first aid kit. It’s important to pack light but ensure you have all the necessary gear for the trek.

How Much Does The Pikey peak Trek Cost?

 The cost of the Pikey Peak Trek can vary depending on factors such as the duration of the trek, accommodation preferences, and whether you choose to hire guides or porters. On average, trekkers can expect to budget between $6,00 to $1,000 for the entire trek, including permits, accommodation, & meals.

20 Reviews
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Jordan Marcel

Group Traveller

Second Trek In Nepal- Pikey peak

Exceptional trekking experience with Sali Trekking ! From knowledgeable guides, Bipin to well-organized logistics, they ensured a seamless adventure. The stunning trails, comfortable accommodations, and attention to safety surpassed expectations. Kudos to the team for creating lasting memories amid nature’s wonders. Highly recommend for any avid trekker!

December 23, 2023

Marinus Johnny

Group Traveller


My second trip in Nepal pikey peak trek with sali trekking, last year i did annapurna base camp. both trek were amzing and enjoyed the trip with support from Sali trekking and guide Bipin. thanks guys . see you next year agqin. happy new year.

December 23, 2023

Zahiruddin J

Group Traveller

Pikey Peak Trekking

We had an amazing adventure to Pikey Peak with Sali Trekking. Everything are well planned and prepared, e.g., transportation, accomodations, meals. The crews i.e. guide and porter are friendly and really helpful. We had so much fun with them throughout the trekking days.

December 22, 2023


Group Traveller

Pikey Peak dec 2023 – unforgettable experience

This is my third trip with this agency. We done Pikey Peak in dec 2023. Nothing short of excellent service from management, logistics and customer service. They can easily cater to accommodate your needs while on trek as well. Thank you for the wonderful experience. Shoutout to the guide (Suresh, always patience and cordial) and of course the backbone who are the porters.

December 5, 2023


Group Traveller

Memorable trip.

Went for the Pikey Peak trek Nov 23. The local guides were very professional and handle every situation well. They worked well with our local organiser Singapore Adventure Nature Lovers (SANL). Thanks for making our trek enjoyable n lively. Thanks Sali and team n also the porters !

November 30, 2023